Category: Fitness

Inspiration vs. Motivation

Hi, how are you? I want to wish you a prosperous New Year! I want to also say that my heart goes out to everyone who has lost property in the terrible fires over the last few weeks. Many people were displaced from their homes and are still coping. You have my deepest sympathies and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. As everyone around me packed their bags for evacuation or possible evacuation, we all got a sense of what was really important to us. How much does our stuff mean to us…

Foods That Cleanse Your Body of Toxins

I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately about cancer. These days, I know many cancer survivors, cancer fighters and loved ones of people who have struggled with cancer. We were talking about environmental toxins, and how it’s a silent cause of cancer and many other diseases. I learned the story of a friend whose whole family has had cancer because they lived by a plant high in radiation. Besides being an involved citizen and pressuring our government to regulate pollution, what else can we do about this problem? I meditated on this question and the first thing that came…

Can a “Disability” be an Advantage?

Today I will mention something I never talk about, unless asked, but I get asked about it a lot. I only have two usable fingers in my left hand. The other fingers are just stubs. Many don’t notice it because I use my left arm just fine and I make no effort to hide my “handicap” from the world. I exercise with good form and even do pull ups unassisted at the gym. So when I decided to train with someone there who had been watching me work out for months, she was shocked. She had no idea I was…

The Pros and Cons of Wearing a Mask During Exercise

Now that the mask ordinances are back in place, a lot of my students are concerned with the ramifications of working out with a mask. Training with a mask is nothing new and has been done for years in elite training circles to increase cardiorespiratory capacity.  Recently, I took the liberty of researching the medical journals to see what studies and experiments have been done on this subject; so this blog is about the pros and cons of wearing a mask during your workout and tips on how to deal with any discomfort. Pros of Wearing a Mask Improves aerobic…

Meditations and Tips for Emotional Eating

Mindfulness Let’s face it. Most of us know how to lose those unwanted pounds. We have to change how we eat. We have to shift our habits We know those cookies and that ice cream won’t help us lose weight but why do we eat it? Well, humans aren’t as rational as we think we are. We’re emotional and eating is often an emotional act. And yes, this has been a stressful year. Recent studies on psychology point to one personality trait that is most successful in helping people lose weight and maintain it. This trait is awareness or mindfulness,…

Remember That Something Inside you is Stronger Than Your Circumstances

And Happy Holidays! The holidays are coming up as we reach the end of what some would call the worst year ever! For this holiday season, I wish you peace and good health. The fitness industry has taken one of the hardest hits from the lockdowns and quarantines. I have not been able to return to my jobs as the facilities have been closed due to government sanctions. Plus, dumbells and weights have tripled in price! Still I know that my industry is not alone. Restaurants, live events, retail and many other businesses have been shut down and or forced…

How to Cure Neck/Shoulder and Lower Back Pain Quickly

This is one of the most successful, yet simple mobility exercises for healing hunched shoulders, neck pain and lower back pain all at once. I can’t tell you how many people it has helped, including me. The lower back will bend backwards in order to move your arms to the side or up if you lack shoulder mobility. Tightening the core can prevent this, while at the same time strengthening the transverse abdominal and correcting lower back compression. This also gradually stretches the shoulders for optimal alignment. Also, if you feel pain while doing this correctly, use a massage ball…

Why Does My Neck Hurt When I do Crunches?

For people who are not strong in their core, activating abdominal muscles may not happen automatically. For these people, you need to be taught how to do a proper crunch step by step, starting with proper core activation. Core activation is important for protecting the spine from injury any time you move or carry something. Your abdominals are also responsible for keeping your internal organs from bulging out. A hernia (disorder where the intestines push through the weak parts of your abdominals) can be prevented with the right kind of core strengthening. Please watch this short video on how to…

I’m Giving Away Free Fitness Videos!!!

This week, I was thinking that cardio might be harder for those of you who live in towns that have made wearing a face mask outside the law, so I have taken the time to create 3 cardio videos, one low impact video for beginners and older adults, one intermediate video and one advanced video. Links below. I’m also giving away videos on proper push ups, one for beginners who can’t do push ups or aren’t sure if they know how to do proper push ups and one for advanced practitioners who want more variety and strength. Links below. While…